New VMware Product Lifecycle Matrix Site

 Are you aware of the new Vmware Prouct Lifecycle site? Head over here.

What has changed? You are still able to download the full product lifecycle PDF file for all product at the top right hand corner. You can now see which products are still in support and which are unsupported.

There are some colours indications on those ending support in RED and those which has reached end of General Support in PURPLE.


You can now select the list of products and have a customized list of your own in CSV or PDF or Print it straight away.


You can also search for a product by click on the Funnel icon on each column or to sort them based on their field content.


Not only that, you can also choose the columns to be displayed rows per page.


This new site definitely is a great improvement and save us lots of time to track any product much easier. All that described above are all really great functions.

What do you think? Drop them a feedback if you have any right at the top of the page and walk through the tutorial to learn more.




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