New and Re-brand with vRealize

With both the VMworld 2014 in San Francisco and Barcelona, there are many new bundles and re-branding starting with vRealize.

To many there are many questions and confusion on what is really in all these bundles?  Here I am just to clarify the confusion which I, myself got confused with and have cleared it up.

We know that VMware has vCenter Operations Management Suite (Standard/Advanced/Enterprise).  In this suite, there were 4 components namely: vC Ops Manager, vCenter Infrastructure Navigator, vCenter Chargeback (EOA), vCenter Configuration Manager.  With the new re-branding, this is now call vRealize Operations 6 (Standard/Advanced/Enterprise).

The powerful vCloud Automation Center (formerly DynamicOps), is now rename to vRealize Automation.

IT Business Management (ITBM) which provide a transparency of cost and services across your whole infrastructure is now known as vRealize Business.

VMware Log Insight a log analytics tool is also renamed to vRealize Log Insight.
Something which was not announced (maybe I missed out) but was renamed, vCenter Orchestrator that comes with vCenter is not call vRealize Orchestrator.

vRealize Hyperic is the new name for vCenter Hyperic (formerly vFabric Hyperic).

New Bundle/Product
VMware vRealize Operations Insight 6 is an add-on for vSphere with Operation Management (vSOM) customers who are interested in upgrading their vCenter Operations Management Suite Standard (part of vSOM) to the Advanced edition comes with vRealize Log Insight.

A new bundle for naked vSphere customers or Openstake customers known as vRealize Suite 6 Standard/Advanced/Enterprise which consists of vRealize Log Insight, vRealize Operations, vRealize Automation, vRealize Business with each similar edition as described.

vRealize Code Stream an application delivery framework to streamline and automate in software delivery process.  It can be integrated out of box with jFrog Artifactory.
For vCloud Air;
For customers who are on vCloud Air, you will be able to use VMware vRealize Operations Advanced/Enterprise and vRealize Automation Advanced/Enterprise Public Cloud Extension

In summary, you are seeing that VMware is trying to align the portfolio of the solutions more specifically.  From the previous on End User Computing (EUC) solutions to brand with "Horizon", and Management solutions with "vRealize", you will be seeing a clearer picture of what solution this all contains and about.

New Formly known Description
vRealize Suite NEW vRealize Automation + vRealize Business + vRealize Operations + vRealize Log Insight
- vRealize Automation vCloud Automation Center NA
- vRealize Business IT Business Management NA
- vRealize Operations vCenter Operations Management Suite NA
vRealize Operations vCenter Operations Management NA
- vReazlize Operations Manager vCenter Operations Manager NA
- vRealize Hyperic vCenter Hyperic (vFabric Hyperic) NA
- vRealize Infrastructure Navigator vCenter Infrastructure Vanvigator NA
- vRealize Configuration Manager vCenter Configuration Manager NA
vRealize Operations Insight NEW vRealize Operations Advanced + vRealize Log Insight for vSOM customers
vRealize Orchestrator vCenter Orchestrator Free with vCenter
vRealize Application Services vFabric Application Director Part of vRealize Automation Enterprise Edition
vRealize Log Insight vCenter Log Insight NA

Update 17th Oct 2014
Added vRealize Orchestrator, vRealize Hyperic, vRealize Code Stream.

Update 21st Oct 2014
Added a table for easy viewing.  More can be read from another blog

Updated 28th Oct 2014
Finally something from VMware.  Refer to this vRealize FAQ to understand all the confusion.


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