How to setup vCloud Lab Example

Attached with this post is a sample BOM and high level architecture details on how you can setup a vCloud lab with 4 hosts (16GB of RAM, 1TB of storage and 2 CPU - Quad core).

The lab will be useful for System Integrators (or individuals with the monetary resources) to build a lab that can be used for the following:
1. Sales can use it to demonstrate VMware solutions.
2. Pre-sales can use for demonstration or learning the capabilities of vCloud.
3. Post-Sales can use the setup for design validation/testing.

1. This is a lab and the setup is not a reference design for a vCloud deployment or for production use.
2. The lab architecture described here is also not setup based on best practices but for individuals to be able to install and get familiar with VMware solutions using spare or old hardware.

Link to Document:


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