VMware Certifications Updates

New changes are coming your ways for VMware certifications. A blog article just been release.

1. Prices of VCP, VCAP, etc. are all standardize to one single price, USD250. This is definitely beneficial for many especially those who are keen to persue the advanced level exam but having difficult to afford the exam fee which was much higher.

2. A mandatory course is no longer needed as an exam requirement. This will help many professionals who are experienced to get certified without having to go through boring course and spend to drag through the requirement. 

Will this then bring down the certification value since course was required to ensure certified professional walk the talk as what they hold in credential?

Answer to point 2, for people who are new and managed to pass the exam and get certified by other means, it can be identified easily. As the digital badges will be differentiated whether the exam was passed with a accompanied course or not. So during an interview, it can identified easily that the certification was with knowledge or via other means. Definitely accompanied experience with certifications will warranty value in such a case.

Getting the certification to proof your credentials is much easier and affordable while others without that credentials can be easily determined.

All effective are of 6th May 2024 and you can see that from VMware Certification site, VCP doesn't require a mandatory course anymore.

Definitely this is a welcome for many professional and more can get certified with a unified pricing and easier pre-requisites. 


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