NIAP Certification for VMware EUC Solutions

Two years ago, VMware manage to have VMware Boxer mail mobile client getting certificate for NIAP. It was the first mobile email client that has gotten this type of certification. Till date it is still the only mobile email client. This shows the security standard that Boxer has adhere to definitely isn't little.

Having companied customer down to VMware Headquarters in Palo Alto in August and manage to know that VMware Horizon 8 has also achieved the same standard for NIAP in July 2023. This mark VMware Horizon as the first VDI solution to have met such standard and till date the only VDI solution in the market as well.

Since VDI is often use as a main use case as a security solution to safe guard against IP thief and other use cases related, that a user requires full desktop access yet controls across the desktop are implemented, achieving this standard of certification is definitely proof VMware Horizon security standard.

Please check out NAIP website here for the list of VMware products that hold certificates from NIAP.


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