vExpert, VMworld, Vulerability on vCenter. A month to sum it up.

 After changing my role as previously mentioned, it has taken some time off my blogging time. Still I want to pen down some important things that one should be looking at.

vExpert Application

If you are looking to renew vExpert and missed the dateline earlier the year, or is not already a vExpert, the second half application is now open, check out my post and hope it helps. Sign up now till 9th July where it closes.

VMworld 2021

Yes the registration for VMWorld 2021 has now open. Do sign up now to avoid disappointment.

vCenter Vulnerability

If you have not been getting notified, you should be worried whether or not your vCenter Server is internet facing. This is a very critical vulnerability as it has a CVSS score of 9.8/10. Make sure you get it patched. This is an issue affecting the way vSAN plugin validation and authentication with vCenter Server via vSphere Client (HTML5). vCenter Server version 6.5 and above are all affected. This won't impact older vCenter Server that is running the web client (Flash). However, vCenter Server 6.5 is still listed as it supported both.

Stay up to date by been notified. Sign up for the Security Advisories here.

Make sure you get it patched. If your vCenter Server is facing internet directly, you should re-look at how you can perhaps have a proxy fronting it. At the time of writing, there are close to 6000 vCenter Servers facing the internet.

New Role

In my role over the past few months was challenging. Having to gone through compensation planning, hiring (yes I am hiring for a Singapore Solution Engineer for Public Sector), attend to challenges for my team. And standing for Sales where I am trying to fill. That is a lot at one go. Will share more in my future post on what to look out for and what's you are to expect in in a managerial role.


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