VMware Tools Missing!
Recently, I was in a Facebook group, VMware vExpert and one member actually posted this. He was running a VDI environment and notice his VMware Tools got uninstalled and was not able to install successful after several attempt. This is a VMware issue, but let's looks more into it. With further check, the user did a update to their ESXi host, and vSphere auto update the VMware Tools to every virtual machine that got rebooted. During the installation, whether auto or manual triggered by user, it fails. With an investigation by the member, it seems his anti-virus has blocked the installation. But wait right here, how did vSphere did auto update of VMware Tools? Isn't that trigger normally by using the vCenter Update Manager (prior to vSphere 7.0) or vCenter Lifecycle Manager (vSphere 7.0 onwards)? A good thing the member found this article by one of our VCDX. It seems that there is an auto update of VMware Tools to patch ESXi host if you check that on as show by vMiss.net. vSph...