Software Support Service Level, Why it Auto Close?

Many times I have heard comments on software support from other vendors externally by customers as well as internally working in principle.

The interesting part is many does not know how these support services measure their support quality or success criteria.

This article is just to illustrate how a support ticket goes through and how it is closed or close temporarily till a user response.

Typically when we raised a support request, there are always three levels or severity. I would go into the details. But you can check out my past post on that.

An engineer typically response to a support request upon receiving a support based on the severity SLA if it's raised online. If that is over the phone, the user will have to wait for the next available engineer to answer the user.

Once a call is completed with the user, they will reply to the user based on what was communicated over the phone. This then follows the next step typically awaiting user to perform a certain task and revert.

This can carry on several times but eventually, once it waiting for the user to respond, a timer will start. It will last for 3 days before a ticket is automatically put to a close or temporary close and email typically is triggered to inform the user.

Now I know this is frustrating, as a user you still want that ticket to be open as you haven't got the time or didn't expect an unfinished issue to be closed.

This is the part that needs explanation. The support engineer is measured by the number of closed tickets on time. So the request system helps by identifying tickets that are opened for three days but not closed by doing an auto closure or temporary closure with an email to the customer. For a user to keep the ticket open more than 3 days, he would either reply to the service request so that the system reset the timer, or request to the engineer so he can flag it out with the system doing an auto closure.

Also having more tickets close, also means that support service quantity is higher as they are able to close more tickets and have less pending tickets. This also measures success criteria.

So the next time you need more time, or need to have a service request ticket to remain open, either reply to the email within 3 days or inform the engineer you are speaking to on not closing.

However, do note that not all system allows the engineer to prevent auto closing. Best is to reply on it within 3 days.


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