VMware VCIX Certification Clarification

I got lot of ask and question regarding the new VCIX certification from VMware.

So how do I get qualified?
What do I need to do?
Do I need to upgrade VCP first?
I am confused which VCAP to take as I have already had one?

The proper way to get to VCIX certification is stated here.
The scenarios for VCP certification is stated here.

So in the past, passing a VCAP allows you to upgrade your VCP.  However, with the expiry program and VCP certification article above on inheritance, only the expiry of existing VCP will be extended. No inheritance of VCP when passing a VCAP of the same track.

Hold VCP5-DCV, passing VCAP6-DCV Design, does not upgrade VCP5-DCV to VCP6-DCV.  Only VCP5-DCV expiry period is further extended.

In order to attempt VCDX of any track, you will need to attain VCIX for that track.  Below is how you can attain your VCIX using Data Center Virtualization track as a scenario.

For one who has valid VCP5-DCV, VCAP5-DCV Deploy (work the other way around with Design exam)
  1. Upgrade VCAP5-DCV by taking VCAP6-DCV Design > VCIX6-DCV, VCP5-DCV expiry renewed 2 years.
  2. To renew VCIX6-DCV, take VCAP7-DCV Design or Deploy >VCIX7-DCV, VCP5-DCV expiry renewed 2 years.
  3. To take VCDXn-DCV, attained VCIXn-DCV.
What happens when one has an Expired VCP5-DCV?  Based on 1-3 above,
1) Upgrade VCIX, VCP5-DCV expired
2) Upgrade VCIX, VCP5-DCV expired
3) VCIX attained, VCP5-DCV expired

What does it mean when VCP is expired?
You can continue to renew your VCAP and above however if you wish to cross track for another certification, you will need to pass the VCP for that track through the proper official way by taking the course and passing the track for VCP.

What if my VCP has not expired?
You can attempt the VCP across other tracks.  This is even so if your VCP version is few version behind.

Example only assuming version exist:
VCP5-DCV still valid.  Attempt VCP-7-DCV, VCP7-DTM, VCP7-Cloud, VCP7-NV

I would recommend not to expire your VCP to keep your options open.  By renewing, you can attempt different track for VCP or go for VCAP for the VCP track you own.  This keeps you relevant and opens up new opportunities for yourself.

Always check for updates at VMware Education Blog.

Note: The above is accurate that time of writing.


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