Is VMware vCloud Suite Bundle Becoming Irrelevant?

Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) is a term often used to illustrate the light of abilities to management and monitor your one or multiple data centers whether it is a private, managed or public cloud environment or mixed of anything.  With the ability to also having a centralize platform and ability to automate certain daily operation tasks to create an agile and efficient IT infrastructture.  Instead of having different silos creating the same overheads that once appear when everything was in a physical infrastructure where each applications could still be using a specific hardware set.

In the past, VMware introduced the vCloud Suite to allows customer to build their own cloud.  However with the adoption of mutliple clouds, VMware came up with another bundle.

VMware introduced the vRealize Suite (vR Suite) in both Advanced and Enterprise last year and this comprises of vRealize Operations Suite, Log Insight, vRealize Automation and vRealize Business all in one bundle.

vRealize Suite can be add on top for customer who are on naked vSphere.  For customers on vSphere with Operations Management (vSOM) or vRealize Operations Insight (vROI), it becomes contradicting as it get duplicates of the vRealize Operations Suite from vSOM and vRealize Suite.  For customers who are on vROI or vSOM, the only upgrade path is to vCloud Suite bundle.

However vCloud does not comes with Log Insight which makes monitoring shortfall of Log analysis.  Moreover in the vCloud Suite Advanced and Enterprise, the vRealize Business Standard (which is available in these two bundles) is not able to extend to Public Cloud as it is a different software of it's own to vRealize Business Advanced/Enterprise.  In addition, in vCloud Suite Enterprise, it included Site Recovery Manager (SRM).  However not everyoneone would really need SRM to protect the whole infrastructure but perhaps a small subset.  In such, it makes more sense to purchase this ala cart just enough to cover whatever is protected by SRM.

To add on with the new vCloud Suite bundle, the removal of vCloud Director (vCD) and vCloud Networking and Security (vCNS), makes the whole vCloud Suite bundle less attractive and appear more expensive comparing to vRealize Suite.

On the other hand, vRealize Suite can be purchase with naked vSphere without having to upgrade their vSphere.  This allows customer to save the additional renewal they will incur on a higher upgrade of vSphere e.g. vSOM or vROI.

To start with vRealize Suite and implement everything in the Suite on Day 1 is nearly impossible.  Often many will start small.  This also make vRealize Suite less attractive as there isn't a gradually phase upgrade unlike customer moving to a vCloud Suite from vSOM to vROI before vCloud Suite.

With many enterprises embarking on public clouds or having multiple private clouds and wanting to automate and centralize platform of monitoring and management, vRealize Suite look more for the fit than vCloud Suite.

As VMworld is coming, let's wait and see what other bundling or improvement that could allows customers to adopt a possible approach into a Software Defined Data Center.


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