Vote for the Top vBlog 2015

The annual vBlog 2015 voting is now on.  It's my first time getting my blog listed; Plain Virtualization (Wee Kiong Tan).  Vote for your favourite blogs to give bloggers the credit to keep them going.  Vote for my blog if you think is worth you following too :)

All the blogs are listed here.

For those voting the first time (like myself), you must vote for 10 blogs and the rest of the sections are up to you discretion and the last section you will arrange the 10 blogs that you have selected.  The "Next" button is right at the bottom of the page to start the voting.

Cast your votes NOW!

Update 1st Apr 2015
The full results of all the 411 blogs are out!  And thank you all for your support.  Tt was my first time listing and am ranked 253.


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