VMware Certification can be verified, Now you cannot lie!

With the recent revamped of VMware Certification site which I mentioned in my prior post, you may also see there are other enhancements in individual certification transcript.

Thanks to Choon Kok who brought this up in the VMware User Group - ASEAN.

By logging into the certification site, and choosing myTranscript to view all your certificates.

You will then see all your certifications that you hold to date.

For each certification, you will also see View and Share.

View - Let's you download a PDF of your certification.  The link is the same link as the provided in the Share popup window (Weird.  Either one of this link become redundant.  I do not see the need to provide a certificate to other if they can verify you from Share).

Share - Provide a link to others who need to make sure you are claimed who you are whether you hold a valid certification.  In here there are two options, one which is as above like View but the link has been copied down for you.  Secondary, is to provide a Authentication page, where you can provide to a anyone who need to verified your real certification status.  You can either provide the authentication site and provide the authentication code separately or you can place everything in one link.

The popup window when clicking on Share

Authentication Form site

Authenticate user will see your certification validity.

This is a nicely done piece at least now we can keep a soft copy of our certification.

Finally a system to verified a professional who claimed who he is can be verified from VMware directly by requesting from the individual to share the authentication site with customer, employer or even recruiters!

Since everything is new there are more refinement that can be done.  At least we are seeing a big improvement since this site has make many changes!

Update 31st Jul 2015
I came across to validate some professional claiming to be VCDX.  In fact, if you are to find out if someone is a VCDX, you can head over to the VCDX Directory, and look for the person using the search too.


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