SRM 4.x: Installation Error

A customer got to me on the following during their installation.  They were trying to configure SRM 4.x to their storage and encounter the below error:

Before starting the implementation of SRM, it is always recommended to check out the storage matrix of the management software, firmware and the adapter version required.  This can be done so from here.

Some Site Recovery Adapters require a specific version of Java to be installed.  There is a KB on the requirement of JRE which have been stated.  So make sure Java is installed on the SRM server.  Check with the Storage vendor on the required Java version for this case.  They might be dependency for different version of management software used.

Some Array vendors do not include the path to the perl binary.  To resolved this issue, you can point the path to SRM installation path from this KB.

A collection of common issues you can refer to from the VMware Communities post.

As for those users using EMC Clariion CX4-120/240, you will need Solutions Enabler software from the EMC PowerPath site.  Please make sure that a 32bit version is used as the SRA are 32bit and will only work with 32bit Solutions Enabler.  This can be found in this KB.


virtualization said…
Currently I work for Dell and thought your article on virtualization is quite impressive. I think virtualization, in computing, is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a hardware platform, operating system, a storage device or network resources.
Wee Kiong Tan said…
Thank you. I hope by sharing it helps the community whatever your daily job role would be.

Virtualization should be hardware agnostic. Irregardless of hardware and preferences. However sometimes issues arised not due to the solution but requirements from hardware which was not documented.

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