VMworld 2019 US Two Days Summary
If you have been following what VMware has been up to by acquiring several companies and mainly related to Cloud Native Applications solutions especially days before VMworld such as Pivotal, you will know what will likely be announced. So let's go through some of the big announcements and the respective article that was released at the same time. Day 1 VMware Tanzu . Check out the two articles here: 1 , 2 . What VMware Tanzu encompass are three areas: Build, Run and Manage. Build bring together Pivotal and Bitnami to orchestrate and package blueprints. So customers who are already on Pivotal will enjoy what they are doing today with no change. This include Heptio services which bring together Contour, Velero, and Sonobuoy. Run brings your Project Pacific , where vSphere is re-architect with Kubernetes baked in. This together with NSX and vSAN to complete the whole platform for Kubernetes. Check out the video by Kit Cobet. A technical overview of it can be found here . ...