VMware Certification: Recertification Changes
These few days there are many discussion regarding VMware Certification changes. If you are not aware here is a summary. Over the last two years, VMware Certification policy was made mandatory to renew a VCP certification once every two years to stay relevant and failure to do so, require you to re-do the whole five days course with a foundation exam and a VCP exam. With immediate effect on 4th Feb as announced here , VMware is removing this mandatory policy. So what is relevant is up to you. You can stay up to date or not, however, you will only be allowed to upgrade to a later VCP certification not more than three versions. Taking an example, if you are currently a VCP 5.0. You will be able to upgrade to VCP 2019 (which is based on either vSphere 6.5 or vSphere 6.7). This is less than three version from 5.0, 6.0, 6.5 or 6.7. Which also means if the next VCP is based on such as 7.0, then those who are still on VCP 5.0 will not be allowed to upgrade to it. VMware Education fina...