VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 Exam GA!
If you head to VMware Certification site, you will be able now to book the following VCAP6 exams at USD400 each and USD100 for the beta exam: Data Center Virtualization VCAP6-DCV Design (GA) VCAP6-DCV Deploy Network Virtualization VCAP6-NV Design (pending release) VCAP6-NV Deploy Cloud Management and Automation VCAP6-CMA Design (GA) VCAP6-CMA Deploy Desktop and Mobility VCAP6-DTM Design VCAP6-DTM Deploy Apparently only VCAP6- NV Design is not yet release. During this period, passing VCAP6-NV Deploy will give you direct access to be VCIX6 waving the two VCAPs requirement. So if you are keen, do be fast. This is also stated here . As for the rest of the track, well you will need both VCAPs in Design and Deploy to be VCIX unless you are upgrading our certification from VCAP5. Read more about it in my previous post . Update One of our VMUG SG Member pointed this out. Apparently only the VCAP6-DCV Design and VCAP6-CMA Design...