
Showing posts from May, 2012

VCDX Defense Experience

Have just finished my Panel defense for VCDX4 in Toronto, Canada.  Just to share the experience on what I have gone through whoever is interested can prepare for next version of VCDX.  Due to the NDA nothing related to the session can be discussed or disclosed. As usual to be applicable for VCDX certification you need to meet some prerequisites.  This is clearly documented in VMware site here .  You would need to be the version VCP for the version of VCDX you are aftering.  Both VCAP certifications for Design and Administrator which I have also shared the experience in my previous posts. I never expected myself to have even gone through VCAP certification followed by VCDX.  On a personal note, I wanted to give myself some challenges while on my career in the virtualization space.  The certification not only just show your understanding in VMware solutions but it also enhance what the components to look out for in terms of virtualizati...

Update vCenter Configuration Manager (VCM) 5.5 License

The release of vCenter Configuration Manager 5.5 on Mar 15, 2012 brought to some attention that there is license update to be done.  The change from license file to serial key make some steps required in updating for those upgrading from previous version to 5.5 My colleague, Clement Wong informed that there is a need and I did also encounter this post in communities. So to simple update the license file, you just need to browse to the folder in command prompt: CL\Program FIles (x86)\VMware\VCM\Tools To see what commands and options are available: >jlicense.cmd /? To update your license: > jlicense.cmd -k xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Where xxxx is your serial key.

iSCSI Datastore Extend

Have a question posted by one of my customer on iSCSI datastore extend. In Linux, if you have two LUN created every time this machine is rebooted, sometimes the LUNs get mixed up e.g. sda for LUN1 and sdb for LUN2 which could be vice versus unless a udev is used to statically map the drive to ensure the path remains the same. So now if we compare that in ESX, if we reboot an ESX server which has two LUN of iSCSI datastore which one extend to the other, would this cause any confusion placing the 2nd extend to be the 1st extend of datastore?  If not, how does ESX know the iSCSI datastore extended order? I wasn't able to answer this and got reply from Cormac Hogan in VMware. No – no confusion would occur. From a LUN perspective, vSphere uses NAA id (SCSI identifiers) rather than relying on any controller/target/LUN numbering convention. This way, if the LUNs were presented differently, or were discovered in a different order, we know about them from this NAA id. From a V...

Hair for Hope

This has nothing to do for technology but for charity. This year I decided to do something to contribute back to the society. I have sign up Hair for Hope and will be doing my part to shave my hair.  I would like to seek anyone to do their part but do any amount of donation. Your support is greatly appreciated.